News and Events
Lost or Stolen Credit & Debit Card questions during non-bank hours?
Debit & ATM (MasterCard) Questions: 1-800-264-5578
Consumer Credit Card (Visa) Questions: 1-800-883-0131
Business Credit Card (Visa) Questions: 1-800-423-7503
Make Payments: You can utilize Plaza Park Bank's FREE Bill Pay by logging in to Online Banking now! If you'd like to review your Plaza Park Bank Credit Card or Mortgage statements online, please use the following links:
ATM Locator: enter your zip code on the MoneyPass website, or download the MoneyPass ATM Locater app on your iPhone or Android.
Plaza Park Bank
Traveling Soon?
If you are traveling we would like to help make your trip more enjoyable by helping to insure that you have no limits in your access to your debit card. This involves a few simple steps:
1. Inform PPB when you are traveling and your itinerary. This informs the fraud department that you are using your card outside of your normal pattern of use.
2. Before you leave for your trip, make certain that you know your PIN number and have used your card at least once in case there are any issues with your magnetic strip and that you have not forgot your PIN number. We can help you reset your PIN number by simply calling us at 320-252-4200.
3. Check the expiration date on your cards to make certain it won’t expire while on vacation.
Recent Retailer Security Breaches: When we receive word that a retailer has had a security breach, we request a list of cards that were compromised. In the case of the Target breach, we personally called each client on the list and strongly urged them to close the debit card so we could issue a new card. We will handle future cases of retailer security breaches in a similar, proactive manner. Fraud can happen any time, not just as a result of a data security breach. Please use Online Banking to monitor your accounts closely for any signs of fraud.
A few safety tips to safeguard personal data and help protect your privacy:
- When banking or paying credit cards online, avoid passwords that include personal information, such as mother's maiden name or date of birth. Instead, use something unique that only you know.
- Never give out personal information over the phone, through the mail, or on the Internet unless you've initiated the contact and are sure you know you are dealing with a legitimate organization.
- If you receive an email asking for personal information, do not hit the "reply" button or click on any website link in the email. Instead, go directly to the sender's website by typing the sender's website address in your browser.
Staying Safe Online: Plaza Park Bank will never send you an email or text asking for your account or social security numbers. Please report these inquiries to Plaza Park Bank so we can help other clients avoid the scams. Learn more about how to avoid scams, protect your children online, and secure your computer at Find more information by downloading this brochure with tips about staying safe while banking online.
Identity Theft Protection: Instances of identity theft and fraud are increasing across the United States. The best line of defense is to educate yourself. The Federal Trade Commission has a great website where you can learn more about identity theft, how to prevent it and what to do if it happens to you (including sample form letters).
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